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Weed Information Session

  • Lot 225, 36195 South Coast Highway Boxwood Hill WA (map)

Do you have noxious weeds such as African lovegrass or African boxthorn on your property? Or other noxious growing within your farm confines?

FBG invites you to a weed information session, with guest speaker John Moore of DPIRD. Come along and learn about the best practice ways to control these weeds. Discussions on the day will include how to control weeds in a number of ways, how to prevent their spread and why the control of these weeds is so important.

Location: Lot 225, 36195 South Coast Highway, Boxwood Hill. The shearing shed block at Marra (follow the FBG signs).

Tea, coffee and afternoon tea will be provided.

Please wear appropriate shoes and clothing for weather conditions as we will be journeying outside to look at weeds.

Please RSVP to NRM Project Officer, Reaghan Shalders at or on 9835 1127.

5 April

Fitzy Fox Shoot 2019

26 May

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