About Fitzgerald Biosphere Group
The Fitzgerald Biosphere Group (FBG) is a member led Grower Group with a strong record of achievement in resilient farming and natural resource management. Formed in early 2002 due to the rationalisation and resulting amalgamation of three long running and very successful local groups:
· JERAC (Jerramungup Extension and Research Advisory Committee),
· Jerramungup Landcare Services, and
· Jerramungup Land Conservation District Committee.
The FBG is a non-profit community organisation, that operates in the Shire of Jerramungup, that works with farmers, researchers, industry groups and federal and state agencies to address local production issues (e.g. diseases, pests, and soil constraints) and help improve natural resource management (e.g. salinity, pest animals and biodiversity ) to ensure the long-term sustainability of the agricultural industry and the communities within the region. The FBG operates on the western side of the Fitzgerald Biosphere Reserve.