Drainage Workshop
Information session on the design/planning of and regulations surrounding drainage systems for salinity management with Melanie Strawbridge (Soil and Land Conservation Commissioner) and John Simons (DPIRD Hydrologist)

GRDC Spray Application Workshop
Growers will leave this workshop with a stronger understanding of the critical role their spray equipment plays in ensuring accurate chemical application and minimising drift. The session will cover key areas such as proper sprayer setup and calibration for various spraying systems, empowering growers to apply chemicals more effectively and efficiently. The workshop also features hands-on, in-field demonstrations. We look forward to seeing you there! FBG will also have some information on a new water quality testing program that will be available to growers in the coming months.
LOCATION - 10 Tobruk Rd Jerramungup (+ nearby paddock)
DATE - Thursday 13th February 2025
TIME - 9:30am - 5pm
NO COST - Lunch provided (must RSVP)
PRESENTER - Bill Campbell, Application Specialist
TOPICS - Sprayer equipment set-up, calibration and best practice application

GRDC Harvester Set-up Workshop (Facey Group) - Ongerup
Tuesday 10 September 2024 8:30 AM - 2:00 PM (UTC+08)
FBG - On Farm
2310 Corackerup Road, Ongerup WA 6336
Understanding the impact of harvest loss, how to measure it, how to change your harvester to reduce losses, grain storage.
HWSC latest information, sharing how to set-up for effective HWSC using mills systems (iHSD, Seed Terminator, SCU) chaff decks & chaff lining.
Reducing the risk of harvester fires.
Improving harvester capacity and efficiency.
Managing Harvest operations, productivity, and economics
To Register click the link below:
Ongerup - GRDC Harvester Set Up Workshop Tickets, FBG - On Farm , Ongerup | TryBooking Australia

2024 Spring Field Day
Join us for our annual Spring Field Day.
Please register your attendance for catering purposes in the events tab, or follow the event links on this page

Better Hay and Silage Workshop - Bremer Bay
Western Beef is holding a better hay and silage workshop in Bremer Bay
Time: 9am-4pm
Cost: Western Beef Members $25 Non-members $55
Registration includes: Lunch, morning and afternoon tea, two follow-up webinars, a voucher for fodder analysis ($67-$85), and a successful silage manual ($75)
To Register click here.
Registrations close two days prior to the event
This project received funding from the Australian Government’s Future Drought fund.

Photography Competition "Life in the transition zone: co-existing with nature in the Fitzgerald Biosphere"
How To Enter
1. Head to the FBG/Biosphere or our social media to learn about the Fitzgerald Biosphere, where it is and what it means.
2. Read our T’s & C’s
3. Take a meaningful photo or submit one taken within the Fitzgerald Biosphere - Successful photographs will be high resolution, JPG or TIF format. No borders, signatures or watermarks please
4. Please label with your name, category, subject (or title). For example, a good file name is:
Firstandlastname_Birdlife on the Estuary_plover
Firstandlastname_What the WE means to me_fish
5. Submit your high resolution photo and Registration details (next page) to Annie Leitch at coordinator@fitzgeraldbiosphere.org by:
a. Sending a cloud link via Googledrive, Dropbox or Microsoft OneDrive OR
b. using www.wetransfer.com – no need to sign up, just use the service for free!
6. Stand by for any follow up questions from our team if we have any.
7. Get ready for our Awards night on 27th September 2024 to find out if you are one of our competition winners!
Copy and paste the below into your email. Compete the form, attach your images and your photo is registered!
Entrant’s full name:
Residential Address:
Have you read the Terms and Conditions?: Yes or No
Which category are you entering:
Birdlife on the Wellstead Estuary - OPEN - 16 years and Over
What the Wellstead Estuary means to me - OPEN - 16 years and Over
**Provide a short paragraph (100 words or less) that we may use at the exhibition or in our advertising to accompany shortlisted images.***
What the Wellstead Estuary means to me - JUNIOR- 15 years and under
**Provide a short paragraph (100 words or less) that we may use at the exhibition or in our advertising to accompany shortlisted images.***
Living in the ‘Zone’ - OPEN - 16 years and Over
**Let us know what zone you took this photo!**
Living in the ‘Zone’ - JUNIOR- 15 years and under
**Let us know what zone you took this photo!**
Short description of image/s
1. Image file name:
2. Image file name:
3. Image file name:

Field Walk and Sundowner
Anameka, legume and perennial pastures
Do you want to reduce the risk of feed shortfalls in dry years? Join us to visit the Anameka (saltbush), legume, and perennial pasture site established at Craig and Naomi Hall’s Property in Gairdner last Spring.
For more details on this project, head to https://www.fbg.org.au/current-projects-expanded/fdfhall.
This project is supported by funding from the Australian Government’s Future Drought Fund Program. This project is led by CSIRO and DPIRD.

Dancing in the Dirt
For more details and Ticket purchases follow this link

Fitzy Fox Shoot
The 2024 Fox shoot is on again.
Count sites and a community breakfast held 17th Feb @ 6am. Needilup and on Bremer Bay Road.