At their last RCSN member meeting held in February 2019, both the Esperance and the Albany port zone RCSNs raised management of difficult soils as a high priority issue. Ranked 2nd for Esperance; and 3rd for Albany, both port zones wanted to see further work conducted in this area. Of particular interest to both was the ability to better identify what soil types responded best to different amelioration techniques. They also wanted economic breakdown on each soil amelioration option, looking at cost and predicted return in different seasons and over time. Management through ripping or other amelioration options of difficult soils experiencing waterlogging, sodicity and gravel ironstone caps were areas of special interest that were raised by the RCSN’s.
Format for the day as follows:
10:00: Assemble, morning tea
10:30: Welcome, housekeeping
10:45: Shed talk - summary of soil constraints in the Jacup area
11:30: Visit soil pits - Q&A with growers and attendees
1:00: Lunch
1:30: Practical session - CTF calculator, ROSA, iLime, large scale prescription mapping
2:30: Debrief, further Q&A
3:00: Conclusion
Thank you to GIWA for coordinating.