Accreditation and permits are required for landholders to possess and use registered 1080 or strychnine products for vertebrate animal control on leasehold or freehold land. Only authorized users can use 1080 poisons. A free workshop is being held to allow landholders within the Shire of Jerramungup to become accredited users of 1080 baits to be used for feral animal control.
The free workshop will include -
Accreditation training with a DPIRD Biosecurity Officer (one off accreditation)
1080 bait permit application completed at workshop
For FGB members only, 5 year permit paid for (subject to DPIRD approval)
For FBG members only, a voucher to purchase 1080 baits
Lunch will be provided
The requirements for participating in the workshop are:
You must have a property greater than 10 hectares in size
You must be 18 years of age or over
Your property must not be near urban, recreational, tourist areas or areas commonly frequented by people.
Please bring along a map of your property including its size in hectares to be assessed by the DPIRD Biosecurity Officer. Map can be hand drawn.
Please RSVP by June 4th to FBG NRM Project officer Reaghan Shalders at or phoning the FBG office on 9835 1127.